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“The Hi-Tech Foundation represents the new world of philanthropy, in which we bring together technology and social entrepreneurship to improve lives.”

Kristen Taylor, Philanthropy Manager, Perpetual Guardian

Endowment Fund

The Hi-Tech Endowment Fund is about enabling the growth of capabilities and capacity within New Zealand’s hi-tech sector. We want to encourage diversity and inclusion through opportunities such as training scholarships and grants, co-investment into educational programmes and grants for overseas experience and learning. Over the next few years, the foundation aims to have a multi-million dollar fund.

We are particularly focused on initiatives that:

  • Enable the invention and discovery of hi-tech
  • Support the founding, management and growth of hi-tech companies
  • Support those seeking to work for and in hi-tech companies
  • Support those operating hi-tech investment funds
  • Support investment in and governance of hi-tech companies

As an independent, non-profit and non-partisan organisation, we are structured to accept subscriptions, donations, subsidies, grants, endowments, gifts, legacies, and bequests of support.

If you would like to invest into the endowment fund or leave a legacy to the fund in your will, please contact us at endowment@hitech.org.nz and we will help you through this.

We'd like to thank the following generous supporters

And many others who wish to remain anonymous.